Thursday, March 27, 2014

MADRAS UNIVERSITY MBA 2013 ,M.S.C,all other PG courses Results

Madras university Results published for June 2013 & December 2013 in the university website  recently. Kindly visit website for marks.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Delhi CM Kejriwal going on a protest near parliament ahead of 64th Republic day celebrations on January 26th of Indian constitution.Is this really needed of a Delhi ruling CM going for a protest supporting his Minister Bharthi of his action against sex racket & drug alleged business in the city. According to the woman organisation, Bharthi intruded in to the house with his party supporters and harassed and molested an black woman. AAP claims this is being running for so many years, but the authorities are keeping mum and not taking any action.

Personal View : Why AAP have not brought up this issue earlier before to the concerned authority if this is been running up for so many years. Just taking up Law & order on our hands, doesn't mean it will end up all issues. Being an minister thinks are going favorably to bharthi. Just imagine if a common man has taken this step, where he would be in the picture but no where ended up in jail. If CM is protesting for each and every issue, then who will govern the capital city. Where would people go and solve their grievances of the state authority's lethargic moves towards the public.This is similar to LOKPAL bill protest in Mumbai and other places in country, for grabbing people attention to their political gain before the sate elections. What has happened, till now nothing but LOKPAL under the carpet, but for citizen eyewash UPA govt passed their own LOKPAL which is not even close to Anna Hazare demands. Now before the LS elections AAP leaders wanted to get attraction from the people and it is purely for their own Political motto behind the protest.